Friday, January 25, 2013

Hidden Universe

When you expose yourself to the public during commuting you become a stranger, not just to a fellow stranger but a stranger to yourself. People are sane in public, they are decent and normal. They stare at anything blankly and act as if they don't speak. This observation is a big deal for me because every person is a universe and hiding a universe is really a challenge! 

In public, when I am out commuting I always stick my headphones in my ear because without my music I feel like a zombie and I feel like I am one of the strangers who are acting normal. With my earphones on I feel like I am living in my own universe being happy and free.  Exposing my headphones is just like saying to the public that "hey i'm Camille, and I love music!" hahaha I know that justification is Lame but it's the only way to show a little bit of me out there. And plus when my music is on I smile every once in a while. I don't want to hide a universe because that will make you crazy, at least that's what I think. 

I don't know why I am so obsessed about observing people in public. I am too curious about others lives you know? That's why you don't see me sharing too much about my life because I am just so interested in knowing other people's stories. It makes me see life through their eyes. 

XOXO, Camcam 

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