Someone approached me the day before yesterday and asked "why are you so quiet today?" I looked at her and said "because I was happy yesterday"
I am happy today and yesterday but not the day before that. I am making my emotions alternate. It is my will that is responsible for that, I think. Anyways, I want it to be like that. It's just that I think if I alternate my emotions my life is balanced that way. I don't wanna be happy everyday, I want to experience other emotions too.haha So today, I'm happy maybe tomorrow I will be so so. I think I am obesessed with balance, IT'S CRAZY! I just don't want to leave behind something even the tiniest thing. I am mastering the art of being happy when you are sad.haha! That may sound crazy, but I think it is possible. hmmm I think the word happy though doesnt fit in that sentence let's try satisfaction. The art of being satisfied when you are sad.
Let me give you a walk through on what I do (please comment if what i'm doing is dangerous...XD)
So what I do is during my happy days, I entertain people and let them entertain me. I talk to them and smile all the time and do every action an optimistic person does. I give sincere compliments, listen to people's stories and greet every person I know, giving them a simple HI!
During gloomy days (which is usually the day after that) I am passive. You will not hear a single chuckle from me. The eyelids of my eyes are in a straight line looking like this emoticon -> -___-The day where I think too much. But I know at the back of my mind while doing this mood I am doing a great job living. XD
Being happy everyday is not right for me. It feels that i'm using up all my happy coupons in life that there would be no more left in the end plus I don't wanna waste the sad coupons either.haha! If one side is too heavy I couldn't bear to let it be that way. So the trying to trigger all the emotions I can was born.
So my friends, that is how I live but there are exceptions. These are the days where I randomly select my emotion.... owkay, maybe not "I" (life chooses it for me). hahaha
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