Friday, February 17, 2012


Picked up my studying material. Began to read. I stopped and told myself "why the hell am I doing this?" And then I end up here.

I don't like to study, I never liked to study. It's boring,corny and unproductive(for me). I feel that I am being more productive when i'm sleeping. I have all these negatives towards studying and yet I still do it. What is wrong with me you may ask?

Doing something I don't like measures how much I love someone or something. In this case, studying let's me prove to my parents that I appreciate them for giving me a chance to fulfill my dream. To make them see that I am not taking every dime they pay for granted. They deserve my hard work in return. No matter how tired or how fed up or how sick I am of studying, I look at them and every complain I have towards studying instantly vanishes. I just love it how they smile when they see me in front of my anatomy book trying to look the part of a genius girl.hahaha kidding!

this blog is just a reminder for myself that whatever complaints I have towards studying I answer to the people around me. 
